What can you say yes to?

Co­mm­uni­ty in­vo­lv­eme­nt pl­ay­s a ke­y ro­le in th­e su­cc­es­s of fo­st­er ca­re. We be­lieve th­at wh­en pe­opl­e co­me to­ge­the­r, th­ey ca­n cr­ea­te la­sti­ng, po­siti­ve ch­ang­e fo­r ch­ild­ren in ne­ed. It is no­t ju­st ab­out pr­ovi­di­ng re­sou­rce­s; it’s ab­out of­fe­ri­ng lo­ve, st­ab­ili­ty, an­d su­ppo­rt. Fo­ste­r fa­mil­ie­s, of­ten ne­edi­ng ex­tra he­lp, de­pen­d on th­eir co­mm­uni­tie­s fo­r str­en­gt­h. A ca­rin­g co­mm­uni­ty en­su­res th­at ch­ild­ren in fo­ste­r ca­re ha­ve th­e op­po­rtu­niti­es th­ey de­ser­ve to gr­ow an­d th­ri­ve. Families 4 Families in­vit­se yo­u to pa­rtic­ipa­te in th­is im­po­rtan­t wo­rk, kn­owin­g yo­ur in­vo­lv­eme­nt ma­ke­s a re­al di­ffe­ren­ce.

Ge­tti­ng in­vo­lv­ed in th­e fo­st­er ca­re co­mm­uni­ty is on­e of th­e mo­st me­ani­ngfu­l wa­ys to ma­ke a la­sti­ng im­pa­ct. Ev­ery ac­tion, bi­g or sm­all, cr­ea­tes a su­ppo­rtiv­e en­vi­ron­ment fo­r ch­ild­ren an­d fa­mil­ie­s wh­o ne­ed it mo­st.


On­e of th­e si­mp­lest wa­ys to ma­ke an im­me­di­a­te im­pa­ct is by do­na­ting. Yo­ur fi­nanc­ial co­ntri­bu­tio­ns he­lp pr­ovi­de cr­ucial re­sou­rce­s to ch­ild­ren in fo­st­er ca­re, in­clu­din­g cl­oth­ing, sc­hoo­l su­ppli­es, an­d em­erg­enc­y su­ppo­rt. Do­na­tio­ns al­so su­ppo­rt fo­st­er fa­mil­ie­s na­vig­ati­ng ch­all­en­ges, en­su­rin­g th­ey ha­ve th­e to­ols to of­fe­r a sa­fe an­d nu­rtu­rin­g ho­me. Ev­ery do­lla­r co­unts an­d go­es di­rec­tly to wh­ere it’s ne­ede­d mo­st.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering your time can make a direct and meaningful difference. Whether helping at events, offering administrative support, or assisting in organizing activities for children, your involvement creates a lasting connection with the community. Volunteers provide much-needed respite for foster families, offering a break and support to help them recharge. You can lend your time in several ways, and we can help you find the best fit for your skills and availability.

Become a Foster Parent

Opening your home to a child in need is a life-changing decision. Foster parenting provides a stable, loving environment for children who might otherwise feel uncertain about their future. As a foster parent, you become an important part of a child’s journey, helping them rebuild trust and confidence. It can be challenging, but it is also gratifying. If you have the space in your home and the love to give, becoming a foster parent is one of the most impactful ways to support the community.

Church Partnership

Churches have the unique ability to bring people together. Partnering with local churches expands our reach and provides a support network for foster families. Churches can provide practical assistance, such as hosting events, offering resources, or organizing drives for donations. Their support strengthens our collective ability to address the needs of children and families within our community.

Hosting Awareness Events or Fundraisers

Raising awareness through events or fundraisers is an effective way to engage others and support foster care. Hosting these events allows us to share stories, educate the community, and inspire others to get involved. Whether you organize a local walk, silent auction, or awareness campaign, these events raise funds and help shine a light on the importance of foster care. Your efforts can encourage others to lend a helping hand and make a real impact.

Sign up to attend one of our informational sessions virtually or in an office near you!


Check out all of our support services and volunteer opportunities below.

Church Partner

Is your church involved in foster care?


Financially Invest in the families in your community.

Why You? Why Now?

We all play an important role in supporting families who open their hearts and homes to needy children. Families cannot do it alone. Communities and churches are essential in stepping in with love and encouragement..

Families Need Support

Children deserve safety, stability, and love, and there is a growing need for more support. Many children enter foster care with the hope of finding a place where they feel secure. But the reality is that the system often needs more resources and caring individuals to help meet their needs. These children depend on the support of others to thrive and reach their potential.

Everyone Can Make a Difference

Each one of us can make a difference. You don’t have to be a foster parent to change a child’s life. Volunteering, donating, or even raising awareness are all ways you can contribute to this cause. When everyone comes together, we create a stronger, more compassionate community that supports children and families in meaningful ways.

The Urgency of the Foster Care Crisis

The need for support in foster care is urgent. More families are needed to open their homes, and more resources are necessary to ensure these children have a fair chance at a bright future. We cannot wait. Now is the time to step in, show love, and offer support. The impact of your involvement can change the course of a child’s life and contribute to building a community where every child feels safe, loved, and cared for.

You can’t change the whole world, but you can change the whole world for one child.

- Wayne Naugle

In the last 4 years, the state of Georgia has lost 39.24% of foster families

Impact of Your Involvement

Your involvement can make a meaningful difference in the lives of foster families and children. Every action, big or small, helps create a stronger, more supportive environment. 

Help Foster Families Thrive

Foster families need more than just financial support. They need emotional and practical help. When you offer a helping hand or just a listening ear, you give foster parents the encouragement they need to continue providing for their children. Your support allows families to overcome challenges and focus on giving children the care and attention they deserve.

Contribute to a Stronger Community

The more we unite as a community, the more we can show love and care for one another. Supporting foster families is one way to build a stronger, more compassionate community. When we help those in need, we create an environment where children feel safe, families feel supported, and everyone can thrive. Your involvement brings us closer as a community focused on kindness and care.

Provide Children with Safety and Belonging

Children in foster care often feel displaced and unsure of their future. When you step in to help, you offer them something priceless: a sense of safety and belonging. Whether you’re donating, volunteering, or raising awareness, you’re making sure that children are cared for and feel part of a family and community that loves them. Your involvement can change a child’s life, giving them the foundation to grow into happy, healthy individuals.

Foster With Us

Your involvement can make a real difference in the lives of children and families in need. Every action counts whether you offer your time, resources, or support. Together, we can build a stronger, more compassionate community. Join us today at Families 4 Families and help create a brighter future for those who need it most. Your kindness can change a child’s world. Start now and see the impact you can have. We are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your efforts truly make a difference.

Our Commitment to You

We are here to support and guide you every step of the way. We want you to feel confident and prepared as you help foster families and children in need.

Provide Resources and Guidance

Effective involvement requires the right tools. We offer clear resources that help you understand how to make a real difference. Whether you need information on how to volunteer or ideas for supporting a foster family, we are committed to ensuring you have everything you need to succeed.

Offer Training Opportunities

Understanding trauma and its effects is key to offering the best support. We provide training opportunities like TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention). These programs teach trauma-informed care, giving you the skills to respond with empathy and understanding, making your involvement even more meaningful.

Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

As you make a difference, we want to celebrate it with you. Each milestone, no matter how small, is worth acknowledging. Our community of supporters shares in your achievements, offering encouragement and appreciation for the lasting impact you’re making. We believe in celebrating the successes that bring us closer to a stronger, more caring community.