Foster With Us

We­ in­vi­te yo­u to­ jo­in ou­r mi­ss­ion of­ ch­an­gi­ng li­ve­s at Families 4 Families by­ pr­ov­id­ing a lo­vi­ng an­d st­ab­le en­vi­ro­nme­nt fo­r ch­il­dre­n in need. Ev­er­y ch­il­d de­se­rve­s a sa­fe pl­ac­e to­ he­al an­d gr­ow; yo­ur de­ci­sio­n ca­n ma­ke al­l th­e di­ffe­re­nce. Fa­mi­lies 4 Fa­mi­lies of­fe­rs pe­rso­na­li­ze­d gu­id­an­ce an­d co­mp­re­he­ns­ive su­pp­or­t th­ro­ugh­out th­e fo­ste­rin­g jo­urn­ey, en­su­rin­g yo­u ne­ve­r fe­el al­on­e. Be­ pa­rt of­ a co­mm­un­ity dr­ive­n by­ ca­re an­d pu­rp­os­e, wh­ere we­ pr­io­rit­ize ke­ep­ing si­bli­ngs to­ge­the­r an­d re­st­ori­ng ho­pe fo­r fa­mi­lies. Ta­ke th­e fi­rs­t st­ep an­d at­te­nd ou­r in­fo­rma­ti­on se­ss­ion to­ le­ar­n mo­re ab­ou­t th­is me­an­ing­fu­l op­por­tu­nity.

Discover What it Means to be a Part of Our Foster Care Family

Virtual Information Session

Ou­r vi­rt­ual in­fo­rma­ti­on se­ss­ions ar­e de­si­gned to­ he­lp pr­osp­ect­ive fo­ste­r pa­ren­ts un­de­rst­an­d th­e re­wa­rd­ing jo­urn­ey of­ fo­ste­rin­g. Th­ese se­ss­ions pr­ovi­de va­lu­ab­le in­si­gh­ts in­to th­e pr­oc­ess, an­sw­er yo­ur qu­est­ion­s, an­d in­tr­odu­ce yo­u to­ th­e co­mp­re­he­ns­ive su­pp­or­t of­fe­red by­ Fa­mi­lies 4 Fa­mi­lies. Pa­rt­ici­pa­ti­ng is­ th­e pe­rf­ect wa­y to­ ta­ke yo­ur fi­rs­t st­ep to­wa­rd ma­ki­ng a di­ffe­ren­ce in­ th­e li­ve­s of­ ch­il­dre­n an­d fa­mi­lies.

February Registration Link
March Registration Link
April Registration Link
May Registration Link
June Registration Link

The Foster Care Process

Ready to foster? We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Our foster care process ensures every step is clear, supportive, and focused on helping you create a loving home for children. We provide comprehensive guidance, ensuring you feel confident and prepared.

Step 1. Information Session

The process begins with attending one of our virtual information sessions. This session introduces you to the role of fostering, the needs of children and families, and the resources we offer. It is an opportunity to ask questions, meet our team, and connect with other prospective foster parents. These welcoming and informative sessions set the foundation for your next steps.

Step 2. Letter of Intent

After the session, you will complete a letter of intent to express your desire to foster through Families 4 Families formally. This letter helps us understand your motivations and allows us to tailor the process to your specific needs and circumstances.


Step 3. Onboarding

Once your intent is confirmed, we assign an onboarding consultant to guide you. This consultant acts as your primary point of contact, answering questions and offering support as you gather the necessary documentation. They ensure you stay on track while feeling supported and valued during this initial phase.

Step 4. Home Study

Your home study consultant is your guide through the next step. This phase involves an in-depth review of your home environment, family dynamics, and readiness to foster. The consultant works closely with you to ensure your home meets all safety and compliance standards. This step is about preparation, not perfection, and our team is there to assist every step of the way.

Step 5. Training

Our trauma-informed training equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to care for children who may have experienced hardship. This training focuses on Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) techniques, helping you build meaningful connections and create a nurturing environment. We understand that every child’s story is unique, and this training ensures you feel prepared to support them effectively.

Step 6. Home Open

Once the necessary steps are completed, your home becomes officially licensed. This milestone marks the beginning of your journey as a foster parent. Your onboarding consultant will guide you through the final preparations, ensuring you feel ready to welcome children into your home.


You can’t change the whole world, but you can change the whole world for one child.

- Wayne Naugle

In the last 4 years, the state of Georgia has lost 39.29% of foster families.


Sign up to attend one of our informational sessions virtually or in an office near you!


Check out all of our support services and volunteer opportunities below.

Church Partner

Is your church involved in foster care?


Financially Invest in the families in your community.

Why Foster With Us?

Comprehensive Support Services

Our team offers continuous support throughout your fostering experience. Whether it is answering questions, providing resources, or assisting with challenges, we are here to help. From the first step to welcoming children into your home, you can count on us to provide practical and emotional support tailored to your needs.

Trauma-Informed Care and TBRI Training

Children often come into foster care with unique histories that require understanding and care. Our trauma-informed care approach, rooted in Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), equips you with tools to build meaningful connections. This training empowers you to provide a nurturing environment where children feel safe and valued.

Personalized Guidance at Every Step

Every family is different, and our team is dedicated to understanding your unique situation. Our consultants work closely with you to create a plan that aligns with your strengths, preferences, and goals. This personalized approach ensures you feel prepared and confident at every process stage.

Community-Focused Foster Care Programs

Joining our program means becoming part of a caring community. We connect foster families through events, support groups, and shared resources, creating opportunities for collaboration and encouragement. Together, we work to develop a network of care that uplifts children and families alike.

Additional Support Services

Our additional support services are designed to ensure you have the tools, guidance, and assistance needed to provide a nurturing environment for children in your care.

Respite Care for Foster Families

Every caregiver needs time to recharge. Respite care offers short-term relief, allowing you to focus on your well-being while knowing the children are safe. This service allows foster parents to rest, attend to personal matters, or simply take a break, helping maintain a healthy balance.

Counseling and Emotional Support

Fostering can bring up a wide range of emotions. Our counseling services provide a safe space for you and your family to process experiences, address concerns, and develop strategies for managing challenges. Emotional support is available not only for foster parents but also for the children, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued.

Resources for Navigating the Foster Care System

Understanding the complexities of the foster care system can be overwhelming. We offer practical resources and guidance to help you manage paperwork, comply with regulations, and access available services. Our team ensures you are equipped with the knowledge and support to handle each step of the process confidently.

Foster With Us

We are ready to support you in creating a safe and loving home for needy children. Let us guide you through every step of the fostering journey with personalized assistance and comprehensive resources. Your dedication makes a lasting difference in young lives, and we are here to help you succeed. Reach out to our team today to learn more, ask questions, or start the process. Together, we can build brighter futures for children and families in our community. Contact us now and take the first step toward making an impact.