The number of children currently in foster care in the state of Georgia.
The number of children in sibling groups. Most children are a part of a sibling group.
The number of children placed by Families 4 Families since 2017.
The number of siblings place by Families 4 Families since 2017
The number of children who age out of foster care each year in the state of Georgia.
The percentage of children who age out and end up in chronic poverty in the state of Georgia. That’s 679 every year.
The percentage of females who become pregnant in the first year after they age out. The chances of these children to enter the foster system are extremely high.
The percentage of males who will end up in jail for survival crimes once they age out. That’s 283 every year.
From 2018-2022, 1,790 children went missing from the state of Georgia DFCS system.
82 girls from the Georgia foster care system end up in sex trafficking every year.
Every year 82 females lost in the state of Georgia foster care system end up in sex trafficking.
Families 4 Families has not lost a single child.
The Need

Foster Homes
In 2023 we rescued 226 children by opening 91 new homes. But we had to turn down 2,423 children who needed a home.

Financial Support
Every dollar helps rescue families in crisis. Provide a meal, support a date night, fund opening new foster homes and support foster parents.

II takes an army of volunteers to support the families in need. Can you provide a meal, do yard work, provide respite care or prayer for a family near you?