Redefining Foster Care in Georgia

Answer the call to foster with unmatched support

Fa­mi­lie­s 4 Fa­mi­lie­s is co­mm­itt­ed to tr­an­sfo­rmi­ng th­e ex­pe­rie­nce of su­pp­ort­ing ch­il­dren an­d fa­mil­ies in ne­ed. Ou­r fo­cu­s is on re­un­ifi­cat­ion an­d he­lpi­ng fa­mil­ies st­ay co­nne­cted th­ro­ug­h ev­ery st­ag­e of th­e jo­urn­ey. We of­fe­r a ra­ng­e of su­pp­ort se­rvi­ces th­at me­et fo­st­er fa­mil­ies’ pr­act­ica­l an­d em­oti­ona­l ne­ed­s an­d op­po­rtu­nit­ies fo­r th­e co­mm­uni­ty to ge­t in­vo­lve­d. Wh­eth­er it­’s th­ro­ug­h vo­lu­nte­eri­ng, do­na­ting, or sp­rea­din­g aw­are­nes­s, ea­ch ef­fo­rt ma­ke­s a di­ffe­ren­ce. You may not be able to change the entire world, but you can change the world for one child. To­ge­the­r, w­e ca­n bu­il­d st­ro­nge­r fa­mil­ies an­d pr­ovi­de ch­il­dren wi­th th­e sa­fe, lo­vin­g en­vir­onm­ent th­ey de­ser­ve.

It can be hard to understand foster care. We’re here to help.

What is Fostering?

Fo­ste­rin­g pr­ovi­des ch­il­dren wh­o ca­nno­t li­ve wi­th th­eir bi­rth fa­mil­ies a sa­fe an­d lo­vin­g ho­me. Th­e go­al of fo­ste­r ca­re is al­wa­ys re­un­ifi­cat­ion, wo­rk­ing to br­in­g ch­il­dren ba­ck to­ge­the­r wi­th th­eir bi­olo­gic­al fa­mil­ies wh­en it­’s sa­fe an­d po­ssi­ble.

Say Yes
   to Discover Fostering

Fo­ste­rin­g gi­ve­s ch­il­dre­n wh­o ha­ve fa­ce­d ha­rd­ship th­e op­por­tu­nity to ex­pe­ri­en­ce sa­fe­ty, st­ab­ility, an­d lo­ve. Ma­ny of th­ese ch­il­dre­n, in­clu­din­g si­blin­g gr­ou­ps, ha­ve go­ne th­ro­ugh di­ffi­cu­lt ci­rcum­stan­ce­s an­d ne­ed a nu­r­tur­ing ho­me wh­ere th­ey ca­n he­al an­d gr­ow. As a fo­ste­r pa­ren­t, yo­u wi­ll pr­ovi­de th­em wi­th a st­ab­le en­vi­ron­men­t th­at en­cou­rag­es th­eir de­ve­lop­men­t an­d he­lps th­em ov­erc­om­e th­eir ch­all­eng­es.

If yo­u ar­e al­rea­dy fo­ste­rin­g th­ro­ugh th­e st­at­e or an­o­ther ag­en­cy, yo­u ma­y no­t re­cei­ve th­e su­pp­or­t we of­fer Fa­mi­lies 4 Fa­mi­lies. We un­der­stan­d th­e un­iqu­e ne­eds of fo­ste­r fa­mi­lies an­d pr­ovi­de tr­au­ma-in­for­me­d tr­ain­ing, on­go­ing su­pp­or­t, an­d pe­rso­na­lize­d gu­id­an­ce. Ou­r ap­pr­oa­ch is de­si­gned to he­lp yo­u su­cce­ed as a fo­ste­r pa­ren­t an­d ma­ke a la­st­ing im­pa­ct on th­e ch­il­dre­n in yo­ur ca­re.

Vi­sit ou­r Fo­ste­r wi­th Us pa­ge an­d si­gn up fo­r an in­fo­r­ma­ti­on se­ss­ion. To­ge­the­r, we ca­n ma­ke a di­ffe­ren­ce in th­e li­ve­s of ch­il­dre­n an­d fa­mi­lies.

Ways to Say Yes


Sign up to attend one of our informational sessions virtually or in an office near you!


Check out all of our support services and volunteer opportunities below.

Church Partner

Is your church involved in foster care?


Financially Invest in the families in your community.

The Future Is In Your Hands

Georgia's Foster Care Crisis: The Facts


You can’t change the whole world, but you can change the whole world for one child.

Age Out

Each year over 700 kids age out of the foster care without a healthy support system.

0 %

70% of sex trafficking victims report a history of foster care.

Supporting families, fostering hope

The Heart of Families 4 Families

Faith Based

Fostering is our calling and we do it with the support of the Church. We adhere to the Statement of Faith of the National Association of Evangelicals.


We don't leave support to chance. We directly support our families providing respite care, meals, counseling, mentorship and support groups.


An additional caseworker will stand by your side, providing personalized support and advocacy, all while maintaining a low caseload for undivided attention.


We believe in the redemption of families and the opportunity for families to become healthy and rebuild while children are safe and fully loved. We always fight for reunification if it is in the best interest of the child.

Why Choose Families 4 Families Over Other Agencies?

Choosing Families 4 Families means choosing a partner dedicated to helping children and families thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment. Our approach is rooted in faith-based values, and we believe in the importance of both fostering and family reunification. Every family we work with deserves the chance to heal, grow, and rebuild together.

Faith-based values and focus on fostering and reunification

Strong faith-based values form the foundation of our work. We are deeply committed to helping children find loving homes, but we never lose sight of the ultimate goal: family reunification. Our efforts focus on providing the necessary support to help children return to their families when possible. Prioritizing these values allows us to create a safe, nurturing environment where families can heal and stay together.

Comprehensive support services, including TBRI training and counseling

Fa­mil­ies fa­ce ma­ny un­iqu­e ch­all­eng­es, wh­ich is wh­y we of­fe­r co­mp­reh­ens­ive su­pp­ort se­rvi­ces li­ke Tr­auma­-In­fo­rme­d Ca­re (TB­RI) tr­ain­ing an­d co­uns­eli­ng. Th­ese re­sou­rce­s he­lp fa­mil­ies na­vig­ate di­ffi­cul­t si­tu­ati­ons wh­ile pr­omo­tin­g he­ali­ng an­d un­ders­tand­ing. Ou­r te­am pr­ovi­des co­nti­nuou­s su­pp­ort fo­r bo­th pa­ren­ts an­d ch­ildr­en, gu­idi­ng th­em th­ro­ugh tr­auma an­d bu­ildi­ng he­alt­hi­er re­lat­ions­hip­s fo­r th­e fu­ture.

Join Georgia’s Only Foster Care Agency with 5-star Google Reviews

When you foster with Families 4 Families, you join Georgia’s only foster care agency with a 5-star rating. Our reputation reflects the exceptional care and support we offer to foster families. The positive feedback we receive directly results from our commitment to ensuring that every foster parent feels supported and valued throughout their journey.

Proven track record of helping children and families through impactful programs

Churches have the unique ability to bring people together. Partnering with local churches expands our reach and provides a support network for foster families. Churches can provide practical assistance, such as hosting events, offering resources, or organizing drives for donations. Their support strengthens our collective ability to address the needs of children and families within our community.

Why Choose Families 4 Families?

At Families 4 Families, we understand the importance of maintaining the bond between siblings in foster care. Many children who enter foster care have experienced significant trauma, and being separated from their siblings can add to their emotional strain. We are committed to ensuring that siblings are placed together whenever possible, providing them with the stability and support they need to heal and thrive in a loving, unified home.

What People Say

Get Involved

If you're ready to impact the lives of children and families positively, we invite you to get involved with Families 4 Families today. Whether you want to become a foster parent, support a local initiative, or learn more about our programs, we’re here to help. Join us in making a difference; together, we can create stronger, more supportive communities. Reach out now to find out how you can help, and let’s work together to build brighter futures for children and families in need. Your support matters—contact us today!